Healthy Eating during the Holidays

 It's the holiday season! This is a wonderful time to enjoy the cold weather, spend time with our family and friends (even if that's on a zoom call), and treat ourselves to some yummy seasonal goodies. Friendly reminder; eating something that isn't exactly in the "nutritious" category WILL NOT get you off track with your goals. You will not gain 10lbs from eating a cookie. Just relax. And hopefully, these tips come in handy.

Tip No. 1

Eat-in moderation. Eating in moderation is key year-round. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying an indulgent, festive dinner — but you’ll want to make sure that your meals surrounding it are healthy and nutrient-dense. Have a light lunch like a salad with olive oil dressing, and opt for a healthy breakfast the next morning like avocado on whole-wheat toast.

Tip No. 2

As lightly mentioned in tip no. 1, the days surrounding your big events are important for your body to feel like it's on its normal schedule. Sleep the right amount of hours for your body, eat clean, exercise like you usually do, and take time for yourself. 

Tip No. 3

Taking time for yourself to reflect can be helpful. The holiday season can be very stressful for some. Write down how you feel after you eat after you exercise, or after you talk to someone. It is important to know what's going on with your body and mind. Simply tune-in with yourself. Breathe. If, in a given situation, you don't have time to write on paper, ask yourself "what do I feel?" and go about with your day.

You mustn't stress yourself out after a long day or event. Studies have shown that stress can cause your body to fluctuate in weight and hormonal levels. The past is in the past, and there's nothing you can do about it. What you CAN do is change the future. And that is what we're doing, every day. Know that you are enough. Until next time!💗


Big Papa said…
Well said! Thanks!

P.s. I was able to read this one one in the email but on the blog site the text is too dark and unreadable.

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